
A National Natural Monument: Stunning views from the obsidian cliffs

Located at the southernmost tip of Himeshima in Oita Prefecture, Kannonzaki is a breathtaking spot featuring 40-meter-high milky-white obsidian cliffs. Obsidian was a precious resource for ancient people, attracting many to Himeshima in search of this valuable material.
In 2007, the Kannonzaki area was designated as a National Natural Monument under the name "Himeshima Obsidian Source."
From the cliffs, visitors can enjoy sweeping views of the emerald-green sea and crashing waves. At the tip of the cliffs stands "Sennindo," a small shrine said to have been built in the Kamakura period. The sunsets viewed from here are truly spectacular.

* Please note that the text shown on this page includes machine translations.

Basic Information

Address (Japanese)
872-1501 大分県東国東郡姫島村
Himeshima Village, Higashikunisaki District, Oita, 872-1501
Telephone Number
0978-87-2279(Himeshima Village Office
Fisheries, Tourism, and Commerce Division)
[By car]
Approximately 5 minutes from Himeshima Port

Himeshima Village Official Website(Japanese Site)

Reviews (Tripadvisor)

*Information on facilities is subject to change. Please check each official website for the latest information.


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