Himeshima Lighthouse

A white lighthouse safeguarding maritime journeys from Himeshima’s eastern edge

Himeshima Lighthouse, perched atop a cliff at the eastern tip of Himeshima, was constructed in 1904. Its architectural beauty is notable, with a 12-meter-tall circular structure made from domestically sourced granite, featuring a tropical-inspired white stone design. The lighthouse uses a British-made 4th order, quadruple flash lens and was the first in Japan to employ a French-made petroleum vapor incandescent lamp. This lamp emits light visible up to 37 kilometers away.

Next to the lighthouse, the former staff quarters have been repurposed into a rest area for visitors.

The surrounding area has been developed into a park, which is celebrated as the island’s top cherry blossom viewing spot. In spring, a variety of cherry blossoms bloom, painting the landscape in vivid colors.

Additionally, an old cherry tree that was felled by a typhoon revealed a heart-shaped stump when cut. This "heart stump" is said to embody a mystical tale unique to Himeshima, attributed to the spirit of the island’s princess.

* Please note that the text shown on this page includes machine translations.

Basic Information

Address (Japanese)
872-1501 大分県東国東郡姫島村稲積4966-2
4966-2 Inazumi, Himeshima Village, Higashikunisaki District, Oita, 872-1501
Telephone Number
0978-87-2113・2540(Himeshima Village Board of Education
Education Division
Social Education Section)
[By car]
Approximately 15 minutes from Himeshima Port

Himeshima Village Official Website(Japanese Site)

Reviews (Tripadvisor)

*Information on facilities is subject to change. Please check each official website for the latest information.


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