Migratory Stopover Spot for Chestnut Tiger Butterflies

A resting place for swarms of vibrant migrating butterflies

Chestnut tiger butterflies, which are known for their incredible long-distance journeys, visit Himeshima’s coastal flowers for nectar between May and early June. At peak times, over 1,000 of these butterflies gather, creating a truly magical and mysterious spectacle.

In autumn, the next generation of these butterflies travels from the north to the south, pausing to rest and feed on the blooming flowers of Himeshima.

Chestnut tiger butterflies primarily breed in Kyushu, migrating southward in autumn to their overwintering grounds. Because they are rarely seen east of the Kanto region, this unique experience promises unforgettable memories that can only be found here.

* Please note that the text shown on this page includes machine translations.

Basic Information

Address (Japanese)
872-1501 大分県東国東郡姫島村
Himeshima Village, Higashikunisaki District, Oita, 872-1501
Telephone Number
0978-87-2266(Oita Himeshima Geopark Promotion Council Office (Geo Park Tenitsune – Miracle of Time and Nature))
Parking spots available (only at the Spring Rest Area)
Varies by location

Himeshima Village Official Website(Japanese Site)

Reviews (Tripadvisor)

*Information on facilities is subject to change. Please check each official website for the latest information.


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