Fukouji Temple Hydrangea Festival

Enjoy the Beauty of Hydrangeas Alongside Traditional Japanese Culture

At Fukouji Temple, fondly referred to as the "Hydrangea Temple," over 3,000 hydrangea bushes bloom from mid-June to mid-July each year, creating a spectacular display. The highlight of the season is the Hydrangea Festival, held in mid-June, which draws numerous visitors. Rainy days enhance the vivid colors of the flowers, wrapping the temple grounds in a mystical and serene atmosphere.
The festival features local specialties and handmade Japanese sweets for sale, alongside various events, including kagura performances – a traditional art combining theater and dance – and live music, ensuring an engaging experience for all visitors.
One of the main attractions is the temple's magaibutsu, colossal rock-carved Buddha statues, which are among the largest of their kind in Japan. Passing through Fukouji’s temple gate reveals these massive stone carvings, leaving visitors awestruck by their grandeur and spiritual aura.

* Please note that the text shown on this page includes machine translations.

Basic Information

Event period
June 16 (Sunday), 2024
*Blooming period: Typically mid-June to early July.
Event venue
Fukoji Temple
Address (Japanese)
879-6213 大分県豊後大野市朝地町上尾塚1225
1225 Kamiotsuka, Asaji-machi, Bungo-Ono City, Oita, 879-6213
Telephone Number
0974-72-1461(Fukoji Temple)
Car Park
Two free parking locations are available
[By train]
Approximately 10 minutes by car from JR Asaji Station

*Information on facilities is subject to change. Please check each official website for the latest information.


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